Aug 24, 2011

Day 14

今天啟程離開委國, 之前幾天因為没有互聯網,未能更新.

當地的弟兄姊妹及聶牧師一早為我們預備早餐及開車送我們到機場. 據聶牧師所說這星期機場很多人, 故我們比起飛時間早2小時半到機場.

早上在高速工路上,更清楚地看見Caracas高樓大厦林立, 大都會常遇的交通擠塞, 多層的新舊大型購物商場, 商業區及住宅區分隔, 可見其城市規劃, 地鐵沿線也貫穿市中心及主要區域.  這個國際城市與我們剛逗留的巴城實在是天壤之別, 街頭上除了人都是人. 由於近年Caracas的治安也因經濟不景而日漸惡化, 人們偏愛居於多層式的住戶, 而放棄獨立式的樓房.
Subway station

Old town 舊城區

入閘前最後合照 Final pic 

十分感恩, 我們無論出境委國及入境美國都十分順利. 而最麻煩的Sinnie也能順利入境!

終於我們團隊在邁阿密分開了,大家也感難捨難離, 一起同工的十多日彷彿轉眼即逝, 我們除了在事奉上有很好的配撘, 也在彼此的生命上有美好的交流及鼓勵. 這個旅程我們都感受神極大的祝福.
降落邁阿密 Landing on Miami

謝謝各位一直為我們禱告的弟兄姊妹, 是你們與我們一起同工. 這是短宣我們共接觸了84位對象, 也領了3位朋友信主. 3位都是十分堅定及清楚地決志跟隨耶穌, 我們為著他們十分感恩.
P.S. 由於東岸地震關係, 我們從邁阿密回Baltimore的航班不單延遲了, 也因為BWI需要維修關係而轉為降落IAD, 我們需要轉乘接駁巴士回BWI, 步入家門差不多4時許, 但感謝主, 回家的感覺真好.

Day 13

早上六時起床, 睡眼惺忪的我們趕乘上午九時的巴士回到委國首都Caracas.

最後一次麻煩弟兄姊妹把我們和行李運到巴士站. 約離酒店20分鐘的車程. 教會的姊妹知道TamSinnie都感冒咳嗽,特意買來感冒藥及喉糖給我們, 感激她的細心及無微不至.
這是我們乘坐的豪華巴士,  座位十分舒適, 每人只需 120 Bs (15美元), 車程約七小時. 委國本身是石油生產國, 石油比水更平, 一架SUV入滿一缸油只需US$0.5...好平好平!!!

今天晚上寄居在委京浸信會中, 教會步行數分鐘便抵達總統府. 但聽說總統己不住在這裡, 但我們仍看見站立端正的士兵在幾個門口前看守

Day 12

抱歉遲了更新日誌, 因為筆者身子孱弱,不幸感冒+喉嚨發炎, 還好不是在短宣開始時患病. 而靠著神的恩典及弟兄姊妹的禱告, 從昨天至不能開聲, 到今天已能以略沙的聲線帶領敬拜, 感受神的供應及醫治. 今天的主日崇拜我選了兩首簡短的詩歌及<你的信實廣大>, 在没有音樂伴奏下單單以人聲清唱, 感謝主, 大家也學得很快. 我一直很喜歡<合而為一>這一首歌, 歌詞出自以弗所書42, 無論在那裡事奉主, 與任何人合作, 做不同的事工, 保羅的勸勉也是金科玉律:凡事謙虛, 溫柔, 忍耐, 用愛心互相寬容, 用和平彼此聯絡, 竭力保守聖靈所賜合而為一的心

崇拜信息由溫牧師分享, 主題是<作基督的精兵>. 他生動地講解了我們作精兵除了認清效忠的對象是耶穌基督外,我們也必須認清敵人並不是屬血氣的, 正如耶穌於登山寶訓後的教導是為迫害我們的禱告, 真正的敵人是撒旦及敵基督. 而保羅在提後二章也論及作精兵的心志, 包括是剛強, 受教, 願意栽培別人, 受苦及專一的心志

崇拜後是與教會領袖聚餐, 並一起檢討, 前瞻及彼此禱告的時間, 我們真誠地表逹對巴城教會的感激及讚賞, 這兩個星期看似我們給他們教導和培訓, 但實際上我們從他們身上所學習到的是更多, 弟兄姊妹雖然都有他們自己的生意, 但他們的委身及投入推動教會不斷成長. 請為巴城教會禱告, 他們實在需要一位牧養及帶領他們的全職傳道人, 求神興起教會內的信徒願意獻身事主. 也請為教會未來購堂的需要, 並牧養西青所需的智慧.

這是最後一天在巴城了. 我們都依依不捨地交換電話電郵. 我們當中那個還會再回到這個城市?(當然溫牧師是例外)

Day 11

早上我們再次到街市派發單張, 請為F太太禱告, DoloresWilliam向買榚點的中國人傾談時, F太太主動向我們索取中信. 她說她一直有收集中信的習慣, 一家也很想認識神, 也認識讀神學的朋友, 但因為要照顧孫兒而未能抽時間. F先生數月前曾經歷綁架. 最後F太太也願意和我們一起禱告. 請禱告她能有平安, 並可以全心認識神, 放下憂慮將生命交托神手中.

下午教會弟兄姊妹抽空開車載我們到Barqisimito市區外, 一嘗地道食物, 及參觀展銷會. 途中我們經過不少貧民區, 及徒置區. 其中一群居民住於墳場內, 他們也普為當地人厭惡, 因為他們不願意打工只以行乞為生.

這是其中一個新建的徒置區. 這地原本滿佈簡陋的鐵皮屋, 不單早晚溫差極大, 也没有水電供應. 現任的市長看見這裡的情況而決定發展這一區. 但這只是冰山的一角, 郊區還有很多很多這一類, 而未被發展的區域.

委國除了治安令人恐懼外, 當地官員只管貪污中飽私囊, 而不顧民生的例子也比比皆是. 為我們開車的姊妹在塑膠廠工作, 最近因為關員施加額外的關稅而令生產成本大增.

歸根到問題的本源是極權政府, 及政局不穩以至官員及人民生活無所適從, 唯有禱告神轉化當權者的心, 不只以自己的利益為中心.

晚上是最後一次個人佈道訓練,之前兩堂Kevin講解三福的各點, 第二課教導如何寫個人見証, 這一堂是示範如何在探訪中從一般傾談, 以個人見証帶入福音, 繼而以如何帶領決志祈禱及進行簡短栽培. Dolores, BrianKevin扮演三福探訪員, Tam扮演被探訪對象.

之後我們分組,每位短宣隊員個別地扮演對象, 給每一位學員從頭開始練習整個三福探訪過程. 儘管三福所需背誦的內容的確很多, 但學員們都很認真地嘗試. 盼望多加練習後他們能活用當中的例子及經文, 幫助深化個人佈道的技巧.

This morning we visit the market again. Please pray for Mrs. F. She actively approach Dolores and William. She told them she has been collecting Chung Shun Magazine and her family knows a lot about God. But she is unable to come to church since she needs to take care of her grand children. Her husband was kidnapped a few months again. After the chating, Mrs. F pray with us and we pray that she will have peace in her heart, know more about God and leave all the worries to God.

At the afternoon b/s from local church drive us to suburban area of the city barquisimito to try local food and visit a exhibition. While on the way we saw a lot of people live in Graveyard. These people are notorious as they don’t work but on begging on street.

This is the pic of another new allocation area. Before redevelopment, houses here were made with just rusting iron plate and there was no water and electricity supply. The current mayor saw the poor condition in this area and therefore develop such area by building new concrete houses. However, there is still hundred or more undeveloped area outside the city area.

Tonight we have the last training of EE3. Kevin has explained the principle and logic flow of EE3, and how to write individual testimony in the past two lessons. Tonight Dolores, Brian and Kevin demonstrate how to bring up EE3 content in a home visitation (Tam as the person being visited). After demonstration, all the participants are pair up with one of the stm members to practice the whole procedure of EE. Although it is not easy as they need to memorize a lot of content of EE3, they have try their best. Pray that all the participants could spend time to memorize the examples and bible verse so that they could grab every chance to share gospel with friends and family.

Aug 20, 2011

Day 10

清晨,我們在酒店門口出發 (This is the hotel we have been staying in this stm trip)

教會舊址。Previous church location.

教會現址。Current church location

市中心的步行街商場。We visit those stores on the two sides of these main streets.

今天下午我們再出發到小商舖派單張及中信, 今天我們選擇下午三時後才出發, 希望在午市過後並收工前探訪他們, (因為治安關係, 通常5時左右收市)希望他們有多些空閒時間和我們傾談. 請為以下對象祈禱

請為在food court兩個食肆的店東及員工祈禱, 他們的店舖在隔鄰, KevinH先生父子以三福講解福音時, 鄰舖的F小姐及N先生也感興趣一同聆聽. 由於仍不時有顧客光顧, 他們只間斷地聽完整個福音. 我們把三福單張留下, 願他們會仔細重溫當中內容更認識福音.

請為開手飾店C小姐禱告, 她對福音並不抗拒, 也曾認識恆常到教會的基督徒. Kevin也能完整地把三福講解, 但表示想更仔細思想後才決定相信.

商場中不少店舖也說有來自耶証的西人派發單張, 盼望當地教會能跟進這些可關心的對象, 及牧養不少初信主的信徒, 否則若被異端誤導便很可惜.

請為T小姐禱告, 他在H氏夫婦的精品店工作, 之前我們曾探訪, 但多次嘗試再探訪皆不成功, 因為生意十分忙碌. 但感謝主今天我們終於成功再探訪. 而出乎意料之外, 今天Dolores有機會向T小姐分享三福, 而她亦十分清楚地決定接受耶穌成為她生命的救主. 請為她的靈命成長禱告, 她很願意將來返教會, 但她的家距離教會很遠,盼望教會可以繼續跟進. H氏夫婦對福音也不抗拒, T小組將來能成為美好的見証, 認他們認識耶穌.

我們再參與西青團契,今天晚上有一位在Maracaibo服待的宣教士分享神如何帶領他將福帶給南美州的華人, 及如何預備自己成為宣教士. 來委國之前, 他曾在哥斯逹尼加推行戒賭事工, 但數月前因為簽証問題, 他及家人必須10月離開委國工場. 這的確是十分可惜, 但請為他禱告, 讓他看見神開路及引領他們進入新的工場或再進修.

完結時,西青們教導我們唱西文版的<我己經決定>, 而我們也教導他們唱<我在這裡讚美> (配動作), 我在想, 將來我們在天上的敬拜也是如此, 各個種族用各種語言同聲讚美主, 何等美好.

我們在學西文歌。We're learning the Spanish song.

       西文誁音<我在這裡讚美>。Spanish pronunciation of our cantonese song.

Today we go to distribute booklet to Chinese people who works in small merchant stores. Different from our previous visit, we start at 3pm instead at the morning as we think people will be less busy after lunch hour. Please pray for some people we talked today:

Please pray for people who works in two restaurants in a foodcout. When Kevin talk to Mr. H and his son about gospel, Ms. F and Mr. N work just next to Mr. H are also interested and listen to him as well. Though there is still some interruption, Kevin could explained the whole gospel for once. We leave them some booklet and pray that they could read over again.

Please pray for Ms. C. She owns  an accessory store. She welcome our visit and told us that she has Christian friends. Kevin again explain to her the gospel but she is still hesitate to pray with us. We leave her some booklet too.

Throughout our visit, we learn that Jehovah’s witnesses has been visiting them regularly. If we can’t follow up those interested case or unable to keep up our relationship with new believers. That would be very sad that people will be deceived.

Please pray for Ms. T. She works in the store of Mr. and Mrs. H. We had visited her before and she showed interest in knowing more. We tried visit her again several times but they were always busy. But we are thankful that today Dolores could share with her the gospel and she is eager to believe in Christ. We pray with her and she become Christian today!!!! Please pray that local church could follow up her case and provide ride to her (she lives quite far away and she doesn’t drive). Mr and Mrs. H welcome our visit and has been nice to us. Pray that Mr. T could be a good witness to them and bring them to Christ someday.

We join the Spanish youth fellowship again. Tonight we have a missionary share about his dream of bringing gospel to Chinese in South America. His ministry is to help people quite gambling in Costa Rica and Venezuela. However, he and his family was forced to leave the current ministry in Maracaibo, Venezuela due to visa problem. Although this is very sad and unexpected, we pray that God will guide him the next step, to start a new ministry in other country or go back to school in HK.

At the end of fellowship. The youth teach us to sing I have decided> in spanish. We also teach them to sing <We praise the Lord here> in Cantonese. We feel so delighted as the worship in heaven will be just the same. All the nation praise His holy name in their own languages. What a wonderful picture.

Aug 19, 2011

Day 9

早上第二次的中文學習班, 主題是立春(春天), 看似雨水和陽光叫種子成長並帶來生機, 但其實賜生命及創造萬物的是神. 我們和小朋友一起種綠豆來親身體驗種植

Dolores也生動地分享挪亞方舟的故事, 講述神不再以洪水滅大地的應許, 小朋友看見一對一對的動物摺紙十分雀躍. 小手工是製作彩虹磁石

本年度舉辨的中國文化班是教會首次以這種方法接觸華人的小朋友及家長, 無論從參加人數, 或小朋友及家長的回應也不錯, 盼望教會或來年的短宣隊可繼續透過這類兒童事工祝福這個社區.

下午我們繼續外出探訪, 請為 T先生禱告, 他經營酒吧, 曾聽說耶穌也會偶爾思考信仰, 而他也坦言很喜歡看風水的書, 我們留下中信及一些單張, 盼望他能更多認識耶穌, 也希望教會弟兄可繼續跟進.

另一隊的探訪對象不在家, 但我們沿途經過的不少中國餐館, 發現他們供奉很多神像神台神像, 請為他們能脫離迷信認識真神禱告

晚上我們練習主日崇拜的詩歌, 這次我們練習一些旋律比較簡單的詩歌,盼望當中的歌詞能常常提醒他們神的信實可靠.

這幾天我們會有一位新隊員加入, 一直在另一個委國城市(Maracaibo)服待的宣教士特意來探望我們團隊, 並會偕同我們出外探訪佈道.

This is our second and also our last chinese lesson. We talked about Spring. While we know Spring is the time of rain and sun nurture the growth of seeds, all these are the creation and God. We prepare some Mung bean to let the kids to see how germination works.

Dolores also grabs the chance to talks about God’s promise to Noah not to destroy the world again with flooding water. Kids are so exciting to see pairs of animals.

Actually this is the first time the church reach out the community using children chinese culture class, we are happy to see almost 20+ student joining us each time and the response from parents are pretty good. Pray that this ministry could keep bringing blessing to the community.

At noon we visit  Mr. T who runs a bar near central bus station. He knows about Jesus and thinks about religion. He reads a lot books about Feng Shui, therefore we leave some booklet to him and hope that he will know Jesus is the true God in the world but not other power. Pray that some brothers in local church could keep in touch with him.

Another team visit some clients of a church member, but they were not at home. We pass by some Chinese restaurant nearby and observe they have lot of idol and altar. Pray that they could know about Jesus as well.
We have a new team member joining us today. He is a missionary who has been working in Maracaibo (a city in Venezuela). He will be with us for two days to help on visitation.

Aug 18, 2011

Day 8

早上我們到商場中的作零售的小商舖探訪, 我的觀察是做批發的主要是中國人, 而做零售的卻是本地人,這也是理所當然的, 因為流利的西文在零售中是不可少的. 請為以下部份我們所接觸的對象禱告.

C小姐在中國餐館工作, 很有興趣上西文學習班,從未到教會

H先生開設的餐廳, 我們進入餐館時他特意徊避我們, 但當我們主動問侯他後, 他的態度卻變得友善,不單願意與我們多談, 並收下我們的單張, 及轉發給他的家人

另外一隊駕車到市外探望另一個家庭: C氏兄弟

哥哥和弟弟分別在餐館及超市打工, 數月前超市被打劫, 不料匪徒的手槍失火, 弟弟不幸腹部中槍, 並傷勢十分嚴重, 已臥床休息數月, 消瘦了20. 在這次探訪中, 溫牧師及Kevin分別向哥哥及弟弟分享聖經及分享福音, 感謝主他們皆願意決志信主 (差不多是在同一時間), 讓神成為他們生命的救主. 他們現在仍很需要教會的幫助及照顧. 我們也簡單教導他們如何祈禱,將所經歷的困難交托給神. 此外, 溫牧師也向他們分享詩篇23, 願神的話語成為他們苦難中的盼望及鼓勵. 請懇切為弟弟的身體康復, 及他們的靈命成長禱告.


逢星期三晚, 西文青年和粵語會友分別在教會天台及大堂舉行祈禱會.

我們看見神的工作,去年西青並没有穩定的禱告會, 但經過上年的短宣隊教授一些方法及鼓勵恆常查經及祈禱會後,今年他們有很大的進步.在西文青年的祈禱會中,他們除了擺上各人的需要及為生活感恩外, 也一同為教會長執及個別弟兄姊妹, 委國不同地區的各項事工獻上禱告. 他們使用不同的形式令祈禱會不沉悶, 如抽簽, 轉盤等抽選不同委國城市等, 若該日為著其他國家禱告,他們會相約穿上該國的特色服裝, 令參與的青年人更投入. 當天他們也特意為短宣隊的工作禱告


Today we visit some shopping mall. In Venezuela chinese people mainly run wholesale instead of retail business. I guess this is because retailing needs to speak more fluent Spanish in which new chinese immigrant may not master the language well. Please pray for some people we meet today.

Ms. C works in Chinese restaurant. She’s never been to church but she may come to join us some day as she wants to join our free Spanish language course offered by the church. She has arrived Venezuela for only 1 year. Please pray for her adaptation and language learning. And also her salvation.

Mr. H is a owner of a chinese restaurant. When he first saw us walk in, he inteneded not to look at us. Bur after we approach him and greet him, his attitude changed and being happy to talk to us. He received our booklet and promise to distribute to his family.

Another team drive to visit an other family who just experience a tragedy.

The brothers of Mr. C works in a chinese restaurant and grocery stores. Unfortunately the grocery stores that the young brother works was robbed and he was shoot by the accidentally discharged rifle. He was wounded severely. During the visit to the brothers, Kevin & Rev Wan share the gospel with them and comfort them. We’re so thankful that both of them has decided to accept Christ to be their savior (almost at the same time). Please pray for the recovery of the younger brother and their spiritual growth. They still need continue support from b/s from church.

At lunch, we try some local set lunch with soup.

Every Wednesday, Spanish speaking young and Cantonese speaking adult have prayer meeting in church at different place. During the visit of stm last year, the Spanish young didn’t have their own bible study group and regular prayer meeting. However, the stm last year teach some skill and bible study method, and encourage them to have regular meeting. We are so thankful that this year they are having bible study every Friday and prayer meeting every Wednesday. This is the work of God. Please pray that they could keep growing spiritually. Btw, the Spanish young make the prayer meeting a fun gathering by incorporating some interesting games. They pray for the church, different area and ministry of the country, and also individual needs and thanksgiving items of b/s.