Aug 11, 2011

Day 2

 “主啊, 感謝你, 你呼召我們由東,由西,同向南走, 就像你當天呼召腓力往南走, 向來自埃提亞伯的大監傳福音一樣, 求你繼續指示我們在這個旅程的方向, 給我們智慧說當說的話,造就我們所遇見的每一位

大昏迷7 個小時後, 陽光普照的一天, 柔和的微風帶來舒適的氣溫, 早餐後一段靈修分享, 温牧師帶領我們讀到詩篇96篇, 重溫敬拜和宣教 互為因果的關係,並是相轉相承的行動,缺一不可

"然 ?" 羅馬書10:14

第一次到達教會, 教會位處二樓一個住戶單位中, 四正的大廳,兩個小房間,廚房等一應俱全
參與由兩位從香港建道神學院的神學生教授的兒童中文班, 遊戲,詩歌,手工,故事,學寫中文字,背金句,二十多位小朋友都十分投入, 令我最深刻的,是他們很用心的按筆順學寫中文字, 象形的中文字對一些小朋友來說很陌生,一點一劃對他們來說也絕不容易.

午飯,我們有幸到附近一間新開的中式餐館用膳, 這店的餸菜絕不馬虎,味道也極佳…..唯一是廚房太少人客太多,我想我們等待了差不多一小時….

一些街頭隨影. 公車約是一般小巴的大小, 坐的都是當地人, 華人一般都不敢乘坐,因為治安很差, 持鎗及刀打荷包的情況實在嚇人

我們經過一位教會姊妹開的雜貨店, 五花百門的產品, 為防止客人順手牽羊”, 店舖都聘請保安員

晚餐由tam精心泡製, 蟹肉海藻蝦子面,實在是恩賜彼此服待的好例子

Brian的第一堂主日學教師培訓, 大家學習用歸納式研經法看聖經,這除會幫助個人靈修及讀經更容易掌握真理,也防止我們天馬行空地解釋聖經,”讀入我們自己的看法.

請為我們禱告有好的適應, 生活上,團隊合作上有更好的配撘, 也讓我們和當地的同工有更多交流,彼此禱告及鼓勵的機會
明天我們會首次出外探訪, 雖然這將會是我們第一次見面,但仍願神加我們愛心去關懷他們,鼓勵他們參加教會
我們也會參與西文(西班牙文)青年團契, 願我們不受語言的阻礙, 一同在詩歌及神話語中有得著 (筆者: 今天我學會了由一數到五J
Sinnie明天早上有一個在加洲的電話面試, 求神給智慧, 並今晚有好的溫習時間
請大家為隊員William禱告, 他在加州的父親現在健康情況很不樂觀, 並今天晚上令人很擔心,請大家懇切禱告.

This is our prayer:
Dear God, we thank you for calling us to serve you everywhere, just like when you call Philip to preach towards the eunuch from Ethiopian. Please continue to guide us throughout the journey. And gives us wisdom to speak what we need to speak, bless everyone we will meet today.
After a deep sleep for 7 hours, we are so thankful to have a wonderful sunny day with a comfortable temperature brings by gentle breeze. After breakfast we had wonderful devotion time, Rev Wan has guide us to read over Psalm 96. We are reminded that  worship is essential for evangelism. And without evangelism we can’t say we are worshipping God.
This is our first time visiting this church. It is located in the 2nd floor of a building which is a residential apartment with 2 rooms and kitchen.
Today we also meet the two seminary school students from a HK seminary. They have been doing wonderful work in teaching chinese culture and language to children. I am so moved that children has a pure heart and enjoy every moment to sing hymes, listen to story and craft making. Learning chinese characters is not an easy job for them, but they are working hard on that.
After the lesson, we went to a new chinese restaurant nearby for lunch. Foods are good and delicious….just we had to wait for a hour. It’s because the kitchen is just too small.
Some snapshots while walking on the street. Buses are available but chinese people rarely ride on it because it will face the risk of robbering. Another pic is taken from a store operated by a sister in church. The profit of business is good but you have to hire some security.
We are so thankful to have Tam prepare us the noodle for dinner. Looks GREAT, tastes DELICIOUS and smells WONDERFUL.
Please keep pray for our team to have good adaptation on living in Barqquisimito and working with teammates and coworkers in church.
We will have our first visitation tomorrow, pray that we could encourage them and strength their faith on Jesus.
And we will join a Spanish youth group tomorrow night. Let us experience the love from God even we speaks different language.
Please also pray for Sinnie. For she has an phone interview in California on morning. Pray that she has wisdom and confident to answer questions.

Please pray for the health of William's father. His health is now in critical stages. 

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