Aug 20, 2011

Day 10

清晨,我們在酒店門口出發 (This is the hotel we have been staying in this stm trip)

教會舊址。Previous church location.

教會現址。Current church location

市中心的步行街商場。We visit those stores on the two sides of these main streets.

今天下午我們再出發到小商舖派單張及中信, 今天我們選擇下午三時後才出發, 希望在午市過後並收工前探訪他們, (因為治安關係, 通常5時左右收市)希望他們有多些空閒時間和我們傾談. 請為以下對象祈禱

請為在food court兩個食肆的店東及員工祈禱, 他們的店舖在隔鄰, KevinH先生父子以三福講解福音時, 鄰舖的F小姐及N先生也感興趣一同聆聽. 由於仍不時有顧客光顧, 他們只間斷地聽完整個福音. 我們把三福單張留下, 願他們會仔細重溫當中內容更認識福音.

請為開手飾店C小姐禱告, 她對福音並不抗拒, 也曾認識恆常到教會的基督徒. Kevin也能完整地把三福講解, 但表示想更仔細思想後才決定相信.

商場中不少店舖也說有來自耶証的西人派發單張, 盼望當地教會能跟進這些可關心的對象, 及牧養不少初信主的信徒, 否則若被異端誤導便很可惜.

請為T小姐禱告, 他在H氏夫婦的精品店工作, 之前我們曾探訪, 但多次嘗試再探訪皆不成功, 因為生意十分忙碌. 但感謝主今天我們終於成功再探訪. 而出乎意料之外, 今天Dolores有機會向T小姐分享三福, 而她亦十分清楚地決定接受耶穌成為她生命的救主. 請為她的靈命成長禱告, 她很願意將來返教會, 但她的家距離教會很遠,盼望教會可以繼續跟進. H氏夫婦對福音也不抗拒, T小組將來能成為美好的見証, 認他們認識耶穌.

我們再參與西青團契,今天晚上有一位在Maracaibo服待的宣教士分享神如何帶領他將福帶給南美州的華人, 及如何預備自己成為宣教士. 來委國之前, 他曾在哥斯逹尼加推行戒賭事工, 但數月前因為簽証問題, 他及家人必須10月離開委國工場. 這的確是十分可惜, 但請為他禱告, 讓他看見神開路及引領他們進入新的工場或再進修.

完結時,西青們教導我們唱西文版的<我己經決定>, 而我們也教導他們唱<我在這裡讚美> (配動作), 我在想, 將來我們在天上的敬拜也是如此, 各個種族用各種語言同聲讚美主, 何等美好.

我們在學西文歌。We're learning the Spanish song.

       西文誁音<我在這裡讚美>。Spanish pronunciation of our cantonese song.

Today we go to distribute booklet to Chinese people who works in small merchant stores. Different from our previous visit, we start at 3pm instead at the morning as we think people will be less busy after lunch hour. Please pray for some people we talked today:

Please pray for people who works in two restaurants in a foodcout. When Kevin talk to Mr. H and his son about gospel, Ms. F and Mr. N work just next to Mr. H are also interested and listen to him as well. Though there is still some interruption, Kevin could explained the whole gospel for once. We leave them some booklet and pray that they could read over again.

Please pray for Ms. C. She owns  an accessory store. She welcome our visit and told us that she has Christian friends. Kevin again explain to her the gospel but she is still hesitate to pray with us. We leave her some booklet too.

Throughout our visit, we learn that Jehovah’s witnesses has been visiting them regularly. If we can’t follow up those interested case or unable to keep up our relationship with new believers. That would be very sad that people will be deceived.

Please pray for Ms. T. She works in the store of Mr. and Mrs. H. We had visited her before and she showed interest in knowing more. We tried visit her again several times but they were always busy. But we are thankful that today Dolores could share with her the gospel and she is eager to believe in Christ. We pray with her and she become Christian today!!!! Please pray that local church could follow up her case and provide ride to her (she lives quite far away and she doesn’t drive). Mr and Mrs. H welcome our visit and has been nice to us. Pray that Mr. T could be a good witness to them and bring them to Christ someday.

We join the Spanish youth fellowship again. Tonight we have a missionary share about his dream of bringing gospel to Chinese in South America. His ministry is to help people quite gambling in Costa Rica and Venezuela. However, he and his family was forced to leave the current ministry in Maracaibo, Venezuela due to visa problem. Although this is very sad and unexpected, we pray that God will guide him the next step, to start a new ministry in other country or go back to school in HK.

At the end of fellowship. The youth teach us to sing I have decided> in spanish. We also teach them to sing <We praise the Lord here> in Cantonese. We feel so delighted as the worship in heaven will be just the same. All the nation praise His holy name in their own languages. What a wonderful picture.

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