Aug 18, 2011

Day 8

早上我們到商場中的作零售的小商舖探訪, 我的觀察是做批發的主要是中國人, 而做零售的卻是本地人,這也是理所當然的, 因為流利的西文在零售中是不可少的. 請為以下部份我們所接觸的對象禱告.

C小姐在中國餐館工作, 很有興趣上西文學習班,從未到教會

H先生開設的餐廳, 我們進入餐館時他特意徊避我們, 但當我們主動問侯他後, 他的態度卻變得友善,不單願意與我們多談, 並收下我們的單張, 及轉發給他的家人

另外一隊駕車到市外探望另一個家庭: C氏兄弟

哥哥和弟弟分別在餐館及超市打工, 數月前超市被打劫, 不料匪徒的手槍失火, 弟弟不幸腹部中槍, 並傷勢十分嚴重, 已臥床休息數月, 消瘦了20. 在這次探訪中, 溫牧師及Kevin分別向哥哥及弟弟分享聖經及分享福音, 感謝主他們皆願意決志信主 (差不多是在同一時間), 讓神成為他們生命的救主. 他們現在仍很需要教會的幫助及照顧. 我們也簡單教導他們如何祈禱,將所經歷的困難交托給神. 此外, 溫牧師也向他們分享詩篇23, 願神的話語成為他們苦難中的盼望及鼓勵. 請懇切為弟弟的身體康復, 及他們的靈命成長禱告.


逢星期三晚, 西文青年和粵語會友分別在教會天台及大堂舉行祈禱會.

我們看見神的工作,去年西青並没有穩定的禱告會, 但經過上年的短宣隊教授一些方法及鼓勵恆常查經及祈禱會後,今年他們有很大的進步.在西文青年的祈禱會中,他們除了擺上各人的需要及為生活感恩外, 也一同為教會長執及個別弟兄姊妹, 委國不同地區的各項事工獻上禱告. 他們使用不同的形式令祈禱會不沉悶, 如抽簽, 轉盤等抽選不同委國城市等, 若該日為著其他國家禱告,他們會相約穿上該國的特色服裝, 令參與的青年人更投入. 當天他們也特意為短宣隊的工作禱告


Today we visit some shopping mall. In Venezuela chinese people mainly run wholesale instead of retail business. I guess this is because retailing needs to speak more fluent Spanish in which new chinese immigrant may not master the language well. Please pray for some people we meet today.

Ms. C works in Chinese restaurant. She’s never been to church but she may come to join us some day as she wants to join our free Spanish language course offered by the church. She has arrived Venezuela for only 1 year. Please pray for her adaptation and language learning. And also her salvation.

Mr. H is a owner of a chinese restaurant. When he first saw us walk in, he inteneded not to look at us. Bur after we approach him and greet him, his attitude changed and being happy to talk to us. He received our booklet and promise to distribute to his family.

Another team drive to visit an other family who just experience a tragedy.

The brothers of Mr. C works in a chinese restaurant and grocery stores. Unfortunately the grocery stores that the young brother works was robbed and he was shoot by the accidentally discharged rifle. He was wounded severely. During the visit to the brothers, Kevin & Rev Wan share the gospel with them and comfort them. We’re so thankful that both of them has decided to accept Christ to be their savior (almost at the same time). Please pray for the recovery of the younger brother and their spiritual growth. They still need continue support from b/s from church.

At lunch, we try some local set lunch with soup.

Every Wednesday, Spanish speaking young and Cantonese speaking adult have prayer meeting in church at different place. During the visit of stm last year, the Spanish young didn’t have their own bible study group and regular prayer meeting. However, the stm last year teach some skill and bible study method, and encourage them to have regular meeting. We are so thankful that this year they are having bible study every Friday and prayer meeting every Wednesday. This is the work of God. Please pray that they could keep growing spiritually. Btw, the Spanish young make the prayer meeting a fun gathering by incorporating some interesting games. They pray for the church, different area and ministry of the country, and also individual needs and thanksgiving items of b/s.

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